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An Insider’s Guide to Sacramento’s Best-Kept Secrets.

By Sam Allen

Sacramento, my friends, isn’t just a stopover on the way to Tahoe or SF anymore. My city is the hidden track on your favorite album, the B-side that blows your mind, that you fall asleep to listening on repeat. We’re that underrated book that, once you open, you can’t put down. Let a local insider spill the tea on why Sactown is the place to be.

First off, we’re talking about The City of Trees where the tree canopy is so thick, the trees don’t just whisper – they hold entire conversations overhead. We don’t do concrete jungles here; we do leafy neighborhoods. Midtown’s canopy is a breath of fresh air – literally. This is a place where you can bike from a dozen favorite local coffee joints to a sandy riverfront beach before your “Be Brave Bold Robot” playlist ends.

Speaking of which, let’s talk java. Forget Seattle – Pachamama on 20th Street is where the brew is so good, you’ll cry caffeinated tears of joy. Espresso so rich, you’ll think it bought the Lady Bird House in The Fab Forties.

Now, dinner. If you haven’t been to Canon on 34th Street, you’re missing out on a West Coast farm-to-fork culinary symphony. It’s farm-to-fork without the pretense, an unassuming spot that’ll knock your socks off. If you’re looking for something a little more exotic try yakitori specialist Binchoyaki on 10th St in Southside Park. They’ve got the best sake selection in the city. Sample a few different flavors as you eat skewer after skewer of ‘chicken ass‘. You’re just going to have to trust us on this one…

Want the arts? We’re no LA (hallelujah), but we’ve got a scene that’s more underground and just as vibrant. The Warehouse Artist Lofts (WAL) on the R Street Corridor are where the creatives flock, in an old industrial warehouse that has been transformed into a masterpiece that epitomizes the live, work, play lifestyle. Here, the walls talk – with murals that tell the real story of Sacramento. Walk Midtown for the Second Saturday Art Walk and pop into the numerous small galleries that will introduce you to the artist on-site and loosen your pocketbook with free cocktails.

Ready to end the night with the best martini in town? Let’s not forget about The Butterscotch Den in Oak Park. It’s where the night owls gather, the musicians mingle, and the stories flow as freely as the disco music and caviar bumps.

But let’s get real – the best part about Sacramento is the people. We’re a quirky mix, a bit of farm-town-meets-state-capital, with a dash of rebel spirit. We’re friendly without trying, cool without the attitude, and always up for showing anyone who’s interested the ropes.

So why’s Sac overlooked? Maybe we’re too chill for our own good, flying under the radar while the big cities hog the limelight. But hey, we’re not complaining. While everyone else battles for a taste of the high life, we’re here enjoying the good life, no reservations needed.

Sacramento is the city that keeps on giving, to those who take the time to explore it. So, do yourself a favor: ditch the guidebook, call a Grounded tour guide, grab your bike, and take a ride through the streets of Sactown. We’re the mural-clad, tree-hugging, chicken ass-loving, espresso-sipping capital that California forgot to brag about, and trust me, you’ll want to be in on this secret.